

Common Pediatric Health Problems for Patients and Families

Choose Problem by Category

Multilingual Patient Education Resources

*Note: Individual materials have not been evaluated but are believed to come from reliable sources.

AACAP - Facts for Families in Espanol, Deutsch, Francaise, Polish | AAFP - Pamphlets in Spanish | Canadian Pediatric Society - Caring for Kids (French) | CDC - Health Topics A-Z en Espanol | El Proyecto de Informacion en Espanol - The Spanish Materials Project | EthnoMed - Patient Education Resources | FDA - Easy-to-Read Spanish-language Brochures | Health Canada - Health Information in English and French | Healthfinder En Espanol | Health On the Net Foundation - HONselect | Hmong Health Website | Johns Hopkins University - Reproductive Health Online | MedlinePlus - En Espanol | Merck Manual of Medical Information - Spanish Home Edition | National Cancer Institute - Spanish Resources | National Institutes of Health - Spanish | NOAH - Spanish version | Planned Parenthood En Espanol | University of Gent - Multilingual Glossary | University of Melbourne - Australian Transcultural Mental Health Network | University of Utah - Spanish Materials Project | Utah Consumer Health Information Network - 24 Language Project


Adolescent Medicine - Pregnancy and Reproduction

AACAP - Parenting: Preparing for Adolescence | AAP - Common Health Problems in College Students | AAP - Stress Management for College Students | ACOG - Teens: You and Your Sexuality | ACOG - Your First Ob-Gyn Visit  | Caring for Kids - Learning About Sexual Health | CDC Women's Reproductive Health | Children's Hospital Boston - Young Women's Health | Children's Hospital Boston - A Guide to Puberty and Menstrual Cycles | CHOP- Adolescent Medicine | Columbia University Complete Home Medical Guide | Iowa Health Book - Obstetrics and Gynecology | MayoClinic - Sex During Pregnancy | MEDLINEplus - Sexual Health | MEDLINEplus - Teenage Pregnancy | MEDLINEplus - Teen Development | MEDLINEplus - Teen Health | MEDLINEplus - Teen Sexual Health | MerckManual Home Edition - Common Gynecologic Problems | MerckManual Home Edition - Female Reproductive System | MerckManual Home Edition - Pregnancy | MerckManual Home Edition - Puberty and Problems in Adolescents | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Teenagers and Puberty | Planned Parenthood - Fact Sheets | UIHC - Patient Information Resources | ViaHealth - Gynecological Concerns | Virtual Children's Hospital - Adolescence: A Guide for Parents

AAP - Facts About HIV and AIDS | Aegis | CDC - AIDS Frequently Asked Questions | CDC - HIV/AIDS Prevention | Virtual Hospital - HIV Patient Manual | JAMA - HIV/AIDS Information Center | MerckManual Home Edition - HIV / AIDS | NIH - HIV Infection in Adolescents | NIH - The Relationship Between HIV and AIDS | UCSF - HIV InSite | Virtual Children's Hospital - HIV and AIDS

Contraception / Birth Control
ACOG - Birth Control Especially for Teens | Children's Hospital Boston - Contraception: A Guide for Teens | EngenderHealth - Contraception | Iowa Health Book - Birth Control Options | JAMA - Contraception Information Center | Merck Manual Home Edition - Family Planning | Planned Parenthood - Birth Control | Virtual Children's Hospital - Contraception and Birth Control for Teens

Legal Rights
Clearinghouse on Urban Education - School Safety and Student Legal Rights

Ovarian Cyst
MedicineNet - Ovarian Cysts | OBGYN.net - Ovarian Cysts Normal Body Function

Periods / Menstrual Problems
Columbia University Complete Home Medical Guide - Menstruation | Iowa Health Book - What is PMS? | KidsHealth.org - Toxic Shock Syndrome | MayoClinic - Menstruation: A Parents' Guide for Preparing Daughters | MayoClinic - Premenstrual Syndrome | MayoClinic - Vaginal Bleeding (What's normal?) | MerckManual Home Edition - Absent or Abnormal Uterine Bleeding | Virtual Children's Hospital - Periods / Menstrual Problems

Postpartum Depression
Health Center - Postpartum Blues | MayoClinic - Postpartum Coping | National Women's Health Information Center - Post Partum Depression | PDR Guide to Medical Care - Postpartum Depression | Postpartum Education for Parents | Virtual Children's Hospital - Postpartum Despression

Pregnancy Problems
AAFP - Morning Sickness | AAFP - What to Expect When It's Past Your Due Date | ACOG - Pregnancy Choices | CDC - Reproductive Health Information | Intelihealth - Pregnancy | MedicineNet - Miscarriage | MerckManual Home Edition - Complications in Pregnancy

Sexually Transmitted Diseases / STDs
CDC - Chlamydia | CDC - Genital Herpes | MEDLINEPlus - Human Papilloma Virus | Iowa Health Book - Condyloma Treatment | JAMA - STD Information Center | KidsHealth.org - Sexually Transmitted Diseases | KidsHealth.org - Syphilis | MayoClinic - Chlamydia Screening | MayoClinic - Genital Warts | Merck Manual Home Edition - Sexually Transmitted Diseases  | Virtual Children's Hospital - Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Iowa Health Book - Bacterial Vaginosis | Iowa Health Book - Contact Vulvitis | Iowa Health Book - Yeast Infections: What Women Do that Helps and Harms | Iowa Health Book - Yeast Infection | 3M National Vaginitis Association | 3M National Vaginitis Organization - Vaginitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Vaginitis

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Allergy and Immune System

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease

AAP - Common Allergies | ACAAI - Anaphylaxis | ACAAI - Children's Allergies | ACAAI - Facts on Allergy Testing | Allernet.com - All About Allergy | CHOP - Allergy | JAMA - Understanding Allergies | KidsHealth.org - All About Allergies | MayoClinic - House Dust Allergies | MEDLINEplus - Allergies | MEDLINEplus - Drug Allergies | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | NIAID - Diagnosing Allergic Diseases | NIAID - Symptoms of Allergies to Airborne Substances | NIAID - Treating Allergic Diseases | Virtual Children's Hospital - Allergies | Virtual Children's Hospital - Bites and Stings | Virtual Children's Hospital - Food Allergy

Bites and Stings
AAFP - Bites and Stings | ACAAI - Allergic Reactions to Stings from Hornets, Wasps, Bees and Yellow Jackets | ACAAI - Facts on Stinging Insects | ACAAI - Tips on Avoiding Insect Stings | CHOP - Insect Bites | MayoClinic - Insect Sting Allergies | MedicineNet - Stinging Insect Allergies | Texas A&M University System - Insect Facts | Virtual Children's Hospital - Mosquito Bites

Hay Fever
MayoClinic - Hay Fever | MedicineNet - Chronic Rhinitis & Post-Nasal Drip | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Allergic and Non-Allergic Rhinitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Hay Fever (Rhinitis)

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Birth Defects / Genetics

National Human Genome Research Institute | National Institutes of Health - Rare Diseases

Birth Defects / Congenital Anomalies
ACOG - Birth Defects | CDC - Centers for Birth Defects: Research and Prevention | KidsHealth.org - When Your Baby Is Born With A Health Problem | March of Dimes - Birth Defects and Genetics Fact Sheets | March of Dimes - Newborn Screening Tests | MEDLINEPlus - Metabolic Disorders | MerckManual Home Edition - Birth Defects | National Organization for Rare Disorders | Online Mendelian Inheritance of Man | Virtual Children's Hospital - Birth Defects (Congenital Anomalies)

Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome: Health Issues | Iowa Hospital School - Accent on Children with Down Syndrome | JAMA - Down Syndrome | KidsHealth.org - Down Syndrome Causes, Testing, and Care | March of Dimes - Down Syndrome | Virtual Children's Hospital - Down Syndrome

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Blood and Lymph Nodes

National Cancer Institute | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | OncoLink | Sickle Cell Information Center

Anemia - Iron Deficiency Anemia
AAP - Understanding Anemia | Children's Hospital Boston - Iron and Teens | CHOP - Anemia | CHOP- Iron Deficiency Anemia | Iowa Health Book - Sickle Cell Trait | JAMA - Facts About Sickle Cell Anemia | MedicineNet - Anemia | Iron Disorders Institute - Iron - Deficiency Anemia | Virtual Children's Hospital - Anemia

Bleeding Disorders / Hemophilia
AAFP - Excessive Blood Clotting | Intelihealth - Hemophilia | MayoClinic - Hemophilia | NHLBI - Hemophilia | NIH - Hemophilia

JAMA - Cancer and Children | KidsHealth.org - Childhood Cancer | MEDLINEplus - Leukemia | NIH - Young People With Cancer | National Cancer Institute PDQ Clinical Cancer Information | OncoLink - Pediatric Cancers | Vanderbilt Medical Center - Hematology/Oncology

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Bones, Joints, and Muscles

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons | AAP - Limps in Children | HON - Osgood Schlatter Disease | Iowa Health Book - Helping Your Child Choose a Sport | Iowa Health Book - Pediatric Orthopaedics | Jefferson Health Organization - Sports Injuries | KidsHealth.org - Common Childhood Orthopedic Conditions | KidsHealth.org - Living with Lupus | MayoClinic - Sports Injuries (Parent's Guide to Prevention) | Merck Manual Home Edition - Sports Injuries | NIH - Childhood Sports Injuries | Orthopaedic Specialty Center Sports Medicine

Arthritis - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
AAP - Arthritis in Children | AAP - Childhood Arthritis | AAP - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis | CHOP - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis | CHOP- Pediatric Arthritis and Other Rheumatic Diseases | HON - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis | Iowa Health Book - Children With Arthritis: Frequently Asked Questions | KidsHealth.org - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis | MEDLINEplus - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis | National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis | Pediatric Rheumatology | Virtual Children's Hospital - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Bursitis and Other Joint Problems
HON - Bow Legs | HON - Knock Knees | MEDLINEplus - Bursitis | PDR Guide to Medical Care - Bursitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Osgood-Schlatter Disease: Knee Pain in Children

Cast Care
AAOS - Cast Care | UC Davis Health Care - Caring for a Child in a Body Cast | University of Chicago Children's Hospital - Do's and Don'ts of Cast Care | University of Chicago Children's Hospital - Spica Cast | Virtual Children's Hospital - Splints and Casts

Curves of the Spine / Scoliosis
AAOS - Scoliosis | Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis | HON - Scoliosis | Iowa Health Book - Questions Often Asked About Scoliosis | Iowa Health Book - Treating Scoliosis with Posterior Spinal Fusion with Instrumentation | KidsHealth.org - Treating Scoliosis | MayoClinic - Scoliosis | National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases - Scoliosis in Children and Adolescents | Scoliosis Research Society - Indepth Review of Scoliosis

Developmental Hip Disease
AAFP - Infant Hip Problems | Virtual Children's Hospital - Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)

Feet - Intoeing - Outtoeing
AAP - Flat Feet and Fallen Arches | HON - Flat Feet | HON - Pigeon Toes | Parkview Musculoskeletal Institute - Intoeing | Virtual Children's Hospital - Intoeing and Outtoeing

Fracture - Dislocation
CHOP - Dislocations | KidsHealth.org - Broken Bones | Virtual Children's Hospital - Fracture/Dislocation

Low Back Pain
AAFP - Lower Back Pain / Self-Care Flowcharts | American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons - Low Back Pain | Orthopaedic Specialty Center - Low Back Pain | Virtual Children's Hospital - Low Back Pain in Children

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Brain and Nervous System

JAMA - Lumbar Puncture | National Institute of Neurological Disorders Virtual Children's Hospital - Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap)

Cerebral Palsy
AAP - Cerebral Palsy: Associated Problems | CDC - Cerebral Palsy Among Children | duPont Hospital for Children - Cerebral Palsy: A Guide for Care | Iowa Hospital School - Accent on Children with Cerebral Palsy | KidsHealth.org - Cerebral Palsy | March of Dimes - Cerebral Palsy | NIH - Cerebral Palsy Resources |

AAFP - Headaches Self - Care Flowchart | AMA - Children and Migraines | CHOP - Headaches | KidsHealth.org - What To Do When Your Child Has a Headache | MayoClinic - Chronic Headaches in Kids | MayoClinic - Migraines in Children | NINDS - Headache | Virtual Children's Hospital - Headaches

Lightheadedness / Loss of Consciousness / Blacking Out
AAFP - Fainting: What Causes It | AHA - Syncope | Virtual Children's Hospital - Fainting/Lightheadedness

Seizure Disorder
AAP - Febrile Convulsions | AAP - Nonfebrile and Generalized Seizures | CHOP - Febrile Seizures | CHOP - Seizures and Convulsions | KidsHealth.org - Epileptic Seizures and Epilepsy | MayoClinic - Epilepsy in Children (Treatment Advances) | MayoClinic - Febrile Seizures | NIH - Epilepsy | Virtual Children's Hospital - Epileptic Seizures | Virtual Children's Hospital - Febrile Seizures

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Child Abuse

AACAP - Child Abuse | AACAP - Child Sexual Abuse | AANS - Shaken Baby Syndrome: A Potentially Deadly Concern | AAP - Child Abuse | AAP - Child Abuse and Neglect | AAP - Child Sexual Abuse | AAP - Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome | AAP - Sexual Abuse Prevention | Iowa State University Extension - Abuse (.PDF) | JAMA - Protecting Our Children from Child Abuse | JAMA - Protecting Our Children: Sexual Abuse of Children is Common | KidsHealth.org - Shaken Baby / Shaken Impact Syndrome | MEDLINEplus - Child Abuse | Merck Manual Home Edition - Child Abuse | Navy Health Book - Keep Kids From Being a Child Molester's Catch | Navy Health Book - Protect Your Child From Sexual Abuse | Navy Health Book - Shake the Problem, Not the Baby | NNCC - Child Abuse Database | Scout Association of Australia - Child Safety Network Page | UC Davis Health System - Child Sexual Abuse | Virtual Children's Hospital - Child Abuse

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Dental / Oral Health

AAP - A Guide to Children's Dental Health | ADA - Fluoride and Fluoridation | ADA - Parents' Page | ADA - Tooth Eruption Chart | American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry | American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry - Fluoride | American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry - Parent Education | American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry - Thumb, Finger, Pacifier Habits | American Dental Hygienists' Association - Oral Health Information | CDC - Baby Bottle Tooth Decay and Oral Health in the Child Care Setting | CHOP- Dental and Oral Health | iVillage - Children's Dental | KidsHealth.org - Bringing Bruxism to a Grinding Halt | KidsHealth.org - Keeping Your Child's Teeth Healthy | MedlinePlus - Child Dental Health | Pediatric Dental Health | UI College of Dentistry - Facts About Your Baby's Teeth

AAPD - Early Orthodontic Care | ADA - Braces and Orthodontics | Virtual Children's Hospital - Braces

AAP - Baby Bottle Tooth Decay | ADA - Baby Bottle Tooth Decay | ADA - Tooth Decay | CDC - Baby Bottle Tooth Decay and Oral Health in the Child Care Setting | Virtual Children's Hospital - Baby Bottle Tooth Decay (BBTD)

Dental Prevention
ADA - Oral Hygiene | American Dental Hygienists' Association - Oral Health Information  | Virtual Children's Hospital - Children and Dental Care

Sweets Between Meals
ADA - Your Diet and Dental Health | American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry - Diet and Snacking | University of Manitoba, Canada- Snack Facts | Virtual Children's Hospital - Snacks and Dental Health

ADA - Is Teething Painful? | CHOP - Teething | KidsHealth.org - Teething Tots | University of Manitoba, Canada - Teething Trouble | Virtual Children's Hospital - Teething

Tooth Injuries
ADA - Dental Emergencies | AMA - Tooth Injuries | CHOP - Dental Emergencies | KidsHealth.org - Tooth Injuries | MedicineNet - Dental Injuries | Navy Health Book - Dental Emergencies in Children | University of Manitoba, Canada - Sports and Mouthguards | Virtual Children's Hospital - Tooth Injuries

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Developmental Disabilities

AAP - Child Care for Children with Special Needs | AAP - Developmental Disabilities: An Overview | ARC - What is Developmental Disability? | CDC - Developmental Disabilities | CDC - Developmental Disabilities | CDC - Developmental Disabilities Among Children | Disabilities.gov - Information on U.S. Federal Programs, Services and Resources | MEDLINEplus - Developmental Disabilities | NICHCY Publications | Pediatric Development and Behavior - Selected Conditions of Young Children with Disabilities

Developmental Delay
Iowa Health Book - Developmental Delay | Pediatric Development and Behavior - Developmental Delay | Virtual Children's Hospital - Developmental Delay

Mental Retardation
AACAP - Children Who Are Mentally Retarded | AAP - Mental Retardation | The Arc | CDC - Mental Retardation | Merck Manual Home Edition - Mental Retardation

Speech Disorder
American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association | KidsHealth.org - Delayed Speech or Language Development | KidsHealth.org - The Child Who Stutters | National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders

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Digestive System

AAP - Pinworms | AGA - Your Digestive System and How it Works | Caring for Kids - Pinworms | CHOP- Digestive and Liver Disorders | CHOP - Pinworms | HON - Pinworm | NIDDK - Digestive Diseases

Abdominal Pain - Unknown Cause or Functional
AAFP - Acute Abdominal Pain / Self-Care Flowchart | KeepKidsHealthy.com - Abdominal Pain | KidsGrowth.com - Stomach Pain | MEDLINEplus - Abdominal Pain | PDR Guide to Medical Care - Abdominal Pain in Children | Virtual Children's Hospital - Acute Abdominal Pain | Virtual Children's Hospital - Chronic Abdominal Pain

AAP - Encopresis (Soiling) | American College of Gastroenterology - Constipation | CHOP - Constipation | Iowa Health Book - Preventing Constipation with Diet | Iowa Hospital School - Your Child and Constipation | Iowa Hospital School - Your Child and Encopresis | KidsHealth.org - What Parents Need To Know About Their Children's Gastrointestinal Problems | MayoClinic - Children with Constipation | MayoClinic - Constipation | NIDDK - Constipation in Children | NIH - Constipation in Children | Virtual Children's Hospital - Child Constipation

AAFP - Dehydration | AMA - Dehydration | Caring for Kids - Dehydration and Diarrhea | JAMA - Preventing Dehydration From Diarrhea | KidsHealth.org - Dehydration | Medical College of Georgia - Fast Action Vital to Battle Dehydration | Rehydration Project - Dehydration | Rehydration Project - Home Oral Rehydration Solution Recipes | Virtual Children's Hospital - Dehydration

Diarrhea and Gastroenteritis, Acute
AAFP - Management of Acute Gastroenteritis in Children | AAFP - Treating Gastroenteritis and Dehydration in Your Child | AAP - Treating Diarrhea and Dehydration | Canberra Hospital - Gastroenteritis in Children | CDC - Diarrheal Diseases in the Child Care Setting | CDC - Gastroenteritis (Viral) | CDC - Viral Gastroenteritis | CHOP - Diarrhea | HON - Infectious Gastroenteritis | Primary Care Pediatrics - Gastroenteritis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Vomiting and Diarrhea

Diarrhea and Gastroenteritis, Chronic
CDC - Chronic Diarrhea | Virtual Children's Hospital - Chronic Diarrhea

Gastrointestinal Bleeding
American College of Gastroenterology - Understanding GI Bleeding | MEDLINEplus - Gastrointestinal Bleeding | NIDDK - Bleeding in the Digestive Tract

Heartburn / Gastroesophageal Reflux
American College of Gastroenterology - Gastroesophogeal Reflux | JAMA - Gastroesophageal Reflux in Children | NIDDK - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Gastroesophageal Reflux | University of Virginia - Gastroesophageal Reflux | Virtual Children's Hospital - Heartburn

Nausea and Vomiting
AAFP - Nausea and Vomiting in Infants and Children | AAP - Treatment of Vomiting | AMA - Overview of Vomiting | CHOP- Vomiting | MEDLINEplus - Nausea and Vomiting | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Vomiting in Children | Virtual Children's Hospital - Nausea and Vomiting

Peptic Ulcer Disease / Stomach Ulcers
CDC - Helicobacter pylori and Peptic Ulcer Disease | KidsHealth - Helicobacter pylori | KidsHealth - Peptic Ulcers | MedicineNet - Peptic Ulcer Disease | NIDDK - Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers | NOAH - Peptic Ulcer Disease | Virtual Children's Hospital - Peptic and Duodenum Ulcers

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Drug Information and Poisoning

AAP - Common Over-the-Counter Medications | AAP - Common Prescription Medications | AAP - Side Effects of Steroids | Caring for Kids - Antibiotics CDC - Antimicrobial Resistance | EPA - Tips To Protect Children From Environmental Threats | Intelihealth - Drug Resource Center | JAMA - Antibiotics | KidsHealth.org - The Truth About Pain | MEDLINEplus - Drug Allergies | MEDLINEplus Drug Information | Merck Manual Home Edition - Topical Skin Medications | PDR - Family Guide to Prescription Drugs | RxList - Patient Education Monographs | U.S. Pharmacopeia - Children and Medication

Acetaminophen - Tylenol and Ibuprofen
KidsMeds - Dose Calculator | PDR Family Guide to Prescription Drugs - Tylenol | University of Iowa - Acetaminophen | Virtual Children's Hospital - Acetaminophen | Virtual Children's Hospital - Ibuprofen

Lead Poisoning
AACAP - Lead Exposure in Children | AAP - Lead Poisoning | CDC - Preventing Lead Poisoning in Young Children | CPSC - Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home | Federal Mandates for Local Government | HUD Office - Lead Hazard Information | JAMA - Protect Your Child Against Lead Poisoning | MEDLINEplus - Household Poisons | MEDLINEplus - Lead Poisoning | Ohio State University - Childhood Lead Poisoning | Virtual Children's Hospital - Lead Poisoning

CDC - Carbon Monoxide | CDC - Poisoning | CHOP - Poisoning (Emergency) | CHOP - Poisoning (Safety) | Consumer Product Safety Commission - Poison Prevention Publications | FDA - Preventing Accidental Iron Poisoning | Iowa Health Book - Locked Up Poisons Prevent Tragedy | Iowa Health Book - Poison-proof Your Home | Iowa Statewide Poison Control Center | JAMA - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning | KidsHealth.org - U.S. Poison Control Centers | Merck Manual Home Edition - Poisoning | Virtual Children's Hospital - Poison Prevention

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Ear, Nose and Throat

AAP - Nosebleeds | AAP - Treatment of Nosebleeds | American College of Surgeons - Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy | AMA - About Nosebleeds | CHOP- Ear, Nose and Throat | CHOP - Nosebleeds | MayoClinic - Nosebleeds | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Nosebleeds in Children | Sinus Care Center | Texas Pediatric Surgical Associates - Pediatric ENT (Otolaryngology) | Virtual Children's Hospital - Nosebleeds

Sinus Care Center - Earwax | University of Florida - Cerumen Impaction | Virtual Children's Hospital - Earwax (Cerumen)

Hearing Problem - Hearing Loss
AAFP - Hearing Problems in Children | American Speech-Language and Hearing Association | CDC - Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program | CDC - Hearing Impairment Among Children | CCHMC - Hearing Tests | HON - Hearing Problems | Sinus Care Center - Is My Baby's Hearing Normal?

MEDLINEplus - Hoarseness or Changing Voice | Sinus Care Center - Hoarseness Prevention & Treatment | Sleeptight - Hoarseness

Middle Ear Infection, Acute
AAP - Ear Infections | AMA - Ear Infection (Otitis Media) | ASHA - Otitis Media | Caring for Kids - Ear Infections (Otitis Media) | CDC - Earache in the Child Care Setting | CHOP - Earaches | HON - Otitis Media | KidsHealth.org - Acute Otitis Media (Ear Infection) | KidsHealth.org - Ear Infections and Ear Tube Surgery | MEDLINEplus - Ear Infections | Sinus Care Center - Earache & Otitis Media

Middle Ear Infection, Chronic
AAFP - Otitis Media with Effusion | AAP - Chronic Ear Infections | CDC - Otitis Media with Effusion (Fluid in the Middle Ear) | Columbia University - Ear Infections | MEDLINEplus - Chronic Otitis Media | Virtual Children's Hospital - Chronic Middle Ear Infection

Outer Ear Infection
AAP - Ear Infections and Swimmer's Ear | HON - External Otitis | KidsHealth.org - Common Childhood Ear Problems | KidsHealth.org - External Otitis (Swimmer's Ear) | MEDLINEplus - Otitis Externa, Acute | MEDLINEplus - Otitis Externa, Chronic | Sinus Care Center - Swimmers Ear: Itchy Ears and Ear Fungus | University of Toronto - Otitis Externa

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Emergency Medicine - Injuries and Wounds

AAP - Emergency Medical Services | ACEP - When Your Child Has an Emergency (.pdf) | Active First Aid | CDC - Bicycle-Related Head Injuries | CDC - Pedestrian Injuries | CHOP - Animal Bites | CHOP - Common Childhood Injuries and Poisoning | Columbia University - CPR and Life Support | KidsHealth.org - Frostbite | KidsHealth.org - Getting Help | KidsHealth.org - Heat Illness | KidsHealth.org - What You Need to Know in an Emergency

Columbia University - Minor Cuts, Scrapes, Bruises | MedicineNet - Bumps & Bruise | MEDLINEplus - Bleeding into the Skin | MEDLINEplus - Bruises | Virtual Children's Hospital - Bruises

AAP - Burns | CHOP - Burns (First Aid) | CHOP - Burns | CHOP - Scald Burns | Fire Fighters Safety Magazine - Pediatric Burns | Iowa Health Book - Burns | JAMA - Children with Burn Injuries | MedicineNet - Burns | Merck Manual Home Edition - Burns | Virtual Children's Hospital - Burns | Virtual Children's Hospital - Scalds | VNH - Environmental Injuries

CHOP - Bleeding | Columbia University - Minor Cuts, Scrapes, Bruises | MedicineNet - Cuts, Scrapes & Puncture Wounds | Texas Pediatric Surgical Associates - Lacerations | Virtual Children's Hospital - Caring for Stitches and Staples | Virtual Children's Hospital - Minor Wounds: Cuts, Scrapes, and Abrasions

Foreign Body
MayoClinic - When Kids Swallow Things | MedicineNet - Objects or Insects in Ear | MEDLINEplus - Foreign Body, Nose | MEDLINEplus - Foreign Object Aspiration or Ingestion | Virtual Children's Hospital - Foreign Body

Head Injuries
BIAUSA - Brain Injury, a Brief Overview | KidsHealth.org - Head Injuries | Iowa Health Book - Head Injuries | Medic Planet - Head Injuries | Merck Manual - Head Injuries | NASD - First Aid for Head Injuries | Virtual Children's Hospital - Head Injuries

Near Drowning
Merck Manual Home Edition - Near Drowning | National Association for Search and Rescue | University of South Florida - How to Protect Your Child from Drowning | Virtual Children's Hospital - Near Drowning

HealthGate.com - Puncture Wounds | PDR Guide to Medical Care - Puncture Wound | Virtual Children's Hospital - Puncture Wounds | Walgreens - Puncture Wounds

CHOP - Sprains and Strains | Columbia University - Sprains | PDR Guide to Medical Care - Sprained Ankle | PDR Guide to Medical Care - Sprained Ligament | ParentsPlace - Sprains | Virtual Children's Hospital - Sprains

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Endocrinology / Hormones

British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes - Patient Information | CHOP - Diabetes and Other Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders | The Endocrine Society | The Endocrine Society - Fact Sheets

AAP - Diabetes Mellitus | AAP - Treating Childhood Diabetes | AAP - Understanding Childhoold Diabetes | American Diabetes Association - Type 1 Diabetes | CHOP - Diabetes | Endocrine Society - Type I Diabetes | JAMA - Type 2 Diabetes Mellitis in Children | KidsHealth.org - Insulin-Dependent Diabetes | MayoClinic - Diabetes in Children | MEDLINEplus - Juvenile Diabetes | NIDDK - Diabetes | Virtual Children's Hospital - Diabetes

Short Stature
Endocrine Society - Endrocrinology and Short Stature | KeepKidsHealthy.com - Short Stature in Children | Little People of America - Dwarfism Types and Definitions | MedicineNet - Achondroplasia | MEDLINEplus - Growth Disorders | MEDLINEplus - Short Stature | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Growth Disturbances

Thyroid Disease
CHOP - Disorders Affecting the Thyroid | HON - Hyperthyroidism | HON - Hypothyroidism | Thyroid Foundation of Canada - Thyroid Disease in Childhood |  | 

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Exercise and Nutrition

AAP - Athletes and Nutrition | AAP - Food Poisoning | AAP - Nutrition and Sports | AAP - Toddler's Diet | AAP - Vegetarianism | AHA | Caring for Kids - Do Children Need Vitamin Supplements? | Caring for Kids - Feeding Your Vegetarian Child | Caring for Kids - Fussy Eaters | Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition | Iowa Health Book - Pediatric Nutrition | Iowa Hospital School - Beginner's Guide to a Healthy Diet | KidsHealth.org - Food Guide Pyramid | KidsHealth.org - Packing School Lunches | KidsHealth.org - Vegetarianism | IFIC - Child/Adolescent Nutrition, Health and Physical Activity | MEDLINEplus - Vegetarianism | NNCC - Nutrition Database | USDA - Food and Nutrition Information Center | Vegetarian Society UK - Vegetarian for Children

Breast Feeding and Infant Nutrition
AAP - Bottlefeeding | AAP - Breastfeeding | AAP - Solid Foods | The Breastfeeding Page | Caring for Kids - Breastfeeding | CCHMC - Introduction to Solid Foods | CCHMC - Warming Formula or Breast Milk | CDC - Breastfeeding | Iowa Health Book - Have You Thought About Breastfeeding? | Iowa Health Book - First Foods | JAMA - Breastfeeding | JAMA - Feeding Your Newborn | La Leche League International | MayoClinic - Breastfeeding (How to get started and keep going) | Medela | Merck Manual Home Edition - Breast Feeding | Vanderbilt Medical Center - Infant Nutrition | Virtual Children's Hospital - Breastfeeding

AHA - Children's Need for Physical Activity: Fact Sheet | AHA - Children and the Need for Physical Activity | AHA - Exercise and Children | AHA - Parent Tips for Heart Healthy Active Children | American Council on Exercise - Coax Your Kids Off the Couch | AMA - Fitness and Your 2-3 Year Old | AMA - Fitness and Your 4-5 Year Old | AMA - Fitness and Your 6-12 Year Old | AMA - Fitness and Your 13-18 Year Old | CDC - Facts on Sports and Smoke-free Youth | Iowa Health Book - Helping Your Child Choose a Sport | Iowa Hospital School - Aerobic Exercise for People with Wheelchairs | Iowa Hospital School - Quick Guide to Aerobic Exercise | KidsHealth.org - Exercise | KidsHealth.org - Guide to Fitness for Kids Who Hate Sports | KidsHealth.org - Kids, Sports, and Exercise | MEDLINEPlus - Exercise for Children | Merck Manual Home Edition - Exercise and Fitness | Virtual Children's Hospital - Compulsive Exercise

Lack of Normal Physiologic Growth / Failure to Thrive
AAP - Failure to Thrive | Intelihealth - Failure to Gain Weight | Merck Manual Home Edition - Developmental Problems in Young Children | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Growth Disturbances | Virtual Children's Hospital - Failure to Thrive

AHA - Obesity and Overweight in Children | KidsHealth.org - Your Child's Weight | Merck Manual Home Edition - Obesity | MayoClinic - Childhood Obesity | MayoClinic - Obesity | NIDDK - Helping Your Overweight Child | IFIC - Helping Your Overweight Child | IFIC - Moving to Prevent Childhood Obesity | UC Davis Health System - Weightloss Intervention Recommended in Childhood | Virtual Children's Hospital - Obesity in Children

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Eyes and Vision

AAP - Common Vision and Eye Problems | CDC - Vision Impairment Among Children | CHOP- Eye Care | Intelihealth - Vision Problems | National Eye Institute | NOAH - Eye Disease, Disorder, and Injury | Pediatric Ophthalmology at The Children's Hospital of Buffalo

Eye Injuries
AMA - Eye Injuries | American Academy of Ophthalmology - Eye Injury Prevention in Sports | Canadian Ophthalmological Society - First Aid for Eye Injuries | CHOP - Eye Injuries | MEDLINEplus - Eye Emergencies | Merck Manual - Eye Injuries | NOAH - Eye Disease, Disorder, and Injury | Prevent Blindness America - First Aid for Eye Emergencies | Virtual Children's Hospital - Eye Injuries

Eyelid / Tear Duct Disorders - Non-Infectious
American Society of Ophthalmaic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery | Merck Manual Home Edition - Eyelid Disorders | Oculoplastics | Virtual Children's Hospital - Eyelid and Tear Gland Problems

AAP - Eye Infections | AMA - Conjunctivitis | Caring for Kids - Pink Eye | CDC - Pinkeye (Conjunctivitis) in the Child Care Setting | CHOP - Conjunctivitis | HON - Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) | KidsHealth.org - Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) | MedicineNet - Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) | Primary Care Pediatrics - Conjunctivitis in Childhood | Virtual Children's Hospital - Pink Eye

Visual Problems - Refractive Error and Lazy Eye
AAFP - Strabismus (Cross-Eyes) | AAO - Amblyopia FAQs | AAO - Strabismus FAQs | AAP - Common Vision and Eye Problems | Children's Hospital of Buffalo - Pediatric Ophthalmology | HON - Crossed Eyes (Strabismus) | HON - Nearsightedness (Myopia) | Intelihealth - Lazy Eye (Amblyopia) | Merck Manual Home Edition - Refractive Disorders | Virtual Children's Hospital - Visual Problems

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General Medical Resources

Columbia University Complete Home Medical Guide | Gray's Anatomy | HealthFinder | JAMA - Patients Page | Iowa Health Book | John Hopkins' InteliHealth | MayoClinic | MEDLINEplus | MEDLINEplus Medical Encyclopedia | Merck Manual of Medical Information - Home Edition | MTDesk.com - Medical Equipment and Pharmaceutical Companies | National Institute of Health | NIH - Clinical Trials | NHS Direct Online | U.S. Government Consumer Health Information | U.S. Navy Health Book | US Pharmacopeia | University of California San Diego School of Medicine | Virtual Naval Hospital | WebMD - Conditions Center

How to Evaluate Medical Information on the Internet
Medical Library Association - Deciphering Medspeak | Science Panel on Interactive Communication and Health - How to Evaluate Medical Websites | University of Iowa Hospital School - How to Recognize Reliable Health Care Websites

Medical Dictionaries
MTDesk.com - Alphabetical Index of Terminology | Medical Library Association - Med Speak | MEDLINEplus Medical Dictionaries | Intelihealth - Medical Dictionary from Merriam-Webster | Merck Manual Home Edition - Understanding Medical Terms

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General Pediatric Resources

American Academy of Family Physicians Patient Information | AAP - Finding a Pediatrician | American Academy of Pediatrics - Public Education Brochures | Bright Futures | Canadian Paediatric Society | Cochrane Collaboration Consumer Network | Dr. Hull - Parent's Common Sense Encyclopedia | Dr Koop's Community | Iowa State University Extension (.PDF) | KidsHealth.org | MEDLINEplus - Children's Health | Ontario Association of Pediatricians | PedInfo | UCDavis Health System | Virtual Children's Hospital | Virtual Children's Hospital - Choosing a Pediatrician | Virtual Children's Hospital - Common Questions, Quick Answers

Child Care
AAP - Child Care: Age by Age | AAP - Child Care Checklist | AAP - Child Care for Children with Special Needs | AAP - Choosing Child Care | American Psychological Association - When You Need Child Day Care | CHOP- Choosing Child Care | MEDLINEplus - Child Care | National Child Care Information Center | National Network for Child Care | National Parent Information Network - Child Care | Virtual Children's Hospital - Babysitter Checklist | Virtual Children's Hospital - Finding the Right Childcare

Complementary and Alternative Medicine
American Herbal Products Association | The Cochrane Library | Longwood Herbal Task Force | National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at National Institutes of Health | OneMedicine | Wake Forest - Complementary and Alternative Medicine | Wake Forest - Herb and Supplements

Fatigue - Malaise - Lethargy - Tiredness
CDC - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | MEDLINEplus - Fatigue | MEDLINEplus - Malaise

AAFP - Self-Care Flowchart - Fever | AAP - Fever | AMA - Taking Your Child's Temperature | Caring for Kids - Fever | Caring for Kids - How to Take a Child's Temperature | CHOP - Febrile Seizures | CHOP - Fevers | Columbia University - Fever | Iowa Health Book - Fever Management | KidsHealth.org - Fever | MayoClinic - Fever in Children | Virtual Children's Hospital - Fever

Fever of Unknown Origin or Cause
AHealthyMe.com - Fever of Unknown Origin | MEDLINEplus - Fever

Growth and Development
AACAP - Normal Adolescent Development Middle School and Early High School Years | AACAP - Normal Adolescent Development - Late High School and Beyond | AAP - Answering Your Child's Questions About Sex: The Preschool Years | AAP - Answering Your Child's Questions About Sex: The School-Age Years | AAP - Developmental Milestones by the end of 12 months | AAP - Puberty Information for Boys | AAP - Puberty Information for Girls | AAP - School Issues for Children with Chronic Illnesses | AAP - Talking With Your Young Child About Sex | AAP - Toilet Training | Caring for Kids - Developmental Milestones | Caring for Kids - Toilet Learning | CHOP - Adolescent Growth and Development | CHOP - Growth in Children | CHOP- Growth and Development | CHOP - Toys and Activities | ERIC Digest - Young Children's Social Development | Iowa State University Extension - Child Development Extension Publications (.PDF) | Iowa State University Extension - Family Relations | KidsGrowth.com - Growth Charts | KidsHealth.org - Growth and Development | MEDLINEplus - Child Development | MEDLINEplus - Growth and Development | MEDLINEplus - Teen Development | Merck Manual Home Edition - Table of Developmental Milestones | NNCC - Child Development Database | NNCC - Developmental Milestone: The First Year | NNCC - Infant Development | NNCC - Toilet Learning | NNCC - Toilet Training | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Growth Disturbances | Zero to Three | Virtual Children's Hospital - Toddlers and Sexual Behavior

Intelihealth - Handling Common Conditions | MEDLINEplus - Irritability | Temperament.com

Pain Management
Mayo Clinic - Pain Management Center | MEDLINEPlus - Pain | Virtual Children's Hospital: Common Questions - Pain Management

AACAP - Parenting: Preparing for Adolescence | AACAP - Starting School | AAP - Adoption: A Child's Questions and Concerns | AAP - Becoming a Father | AAP - Becoming a Stepfamily | AAP - Brothers and Sisters | AAP - Dealing with Family Conflicts | AAP - Discipline | AAP - Discipline Methods | AAP - Discipline and Young Children | AAP - Positive Reinforcement | AAP - Stepfamilies | AAP - Swearing | AAP - Temper Tantrums | AAP - Working Mothers | Caring for Kids - Effective Discipline | Caring for Kids - Time-out | Iowa State University Extension - Parenting (.PDF) | iVillage Parents Place - Family Dynamics | JAMA - Stresses of Parenting | KidsGrowth.com - Parenting & Behavioral | KidsHealth.org - Positive Parenting | MayoClinic - Discussing 'Birds and Bees' - Start When Your Kids Are Young | MayoClinic - Raising an Active Child | MedlinePlus - Parenting | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Bringing Up Children | NICHD - Adventures in Parenting | Penn State University - Parenting | Virtual Children's Hospital - Behavior at Home / Discipline

Parents' Health
NNCC - Professional Development | NNCC - Take Good Care of Yourself

Sick Children - Recognizing Illness, Gauging Severity, How Doctors Assess Illness
AAFP - Self-Care Flowcharts | Family Health Guide: Diagnostic Tests | Intelihealth - Handling Common Conditions | Intelihealth - When to Call the Doctor | KidsHealth.org - Taking your Child's Temperature | KidsHealth.org - When to Call Your Child's Doctor | LabTestsOnline - Laboratory Testing | MayoClinic - Caring for a Sick Child at Home | MayoClinic - A Sick Child and a Demanding Job | Merck Manual Home Edition - Common Medical Tests | NNCC - Coping with Illness  |

Screening - Development, Vision, Hearing
CHOP - Visual Screening and Eye Examinations | KidsHealth.org - Hearing Evaluation in Children | KidsHealth.org - Your Child's Vision | MayoClinic - Testing Infants' Hearing

Shots / Immunizations / Vaccinations
AAFP - Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule | AAP - 2002 Immunization Schedule | Caring for Kids - Routine Immunization Schedule for Infants and Children | Caring for Kids - Vaccination Questions and Answers | CDC - National Immunization Program | CDC - Vaccine Recommendations for Travelers Aged 2 Years or Older | CDC - Vaccine Recommendations for Travelers Under 2 Years Old | National Network for Immunization Information | Columbia University - Vaccinations | Facts and Comparisons - The Immunization Gateway | Immunization Action Coalition | JAMA - Immunize Your Child | KidsHealth.org - Immunizations | MayoClinic - Pneumococcal Vaccine | MayoClinic - Shots and Children - Managing the Stress | MEDLINEplus - Childhood Immunization

Sleep Problems
AACAP - Children's Sleep Problems | AAP - Common Sleep Problems | CHOP - Sleep Soundly | Developmental - Behavioral Pediatrics Online Community - Parenting Tips for Better Sleep | KidsHealth.org - Coping With Night Terrors | KidsHealth.org - Sleep and Your Newborn | NetDoctor.Co.UK - How Much Sleep Do Children Need | Virtual Children's Hospital - Sleep Problems

AAP - Communicating with Children about Disasters | AAP - Violence Prevention | AMA - Violence Prevention Web Site | APA - Raising Children to Resist Violence | CSPV Violence Fact Sheets and Position Summaries | CDC - Facts About Violence Among Youth and Violence in Schools | CDC - Intimate Partner Violence Fact Sheet | CDC - Suicide in the United States | CDC - Youth Violence | JAMA - Helping Children Cope With Violence | JAMA - Partner Violence | JAMA - Violence in the Media | MEDLINEplus - Teen Violence | National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center | NIMH - Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters | OJJDP - School Violence Resources

Well Child Care / Health Supervision / Check Ups
Bright Futures | National Child Care Information Center | National Research Center for Health and Safety in Child Care

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AHA | CHOP - Cardiovascular Disorders (Heart Disease) | Children's Cardiomyopathy Foundation | Miami Children's Hospital - FAQ Database | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | Rush Children's Heart Center - Pediatric Cardiology for Parents & Patients | Texas Heart Institute

Chest Pain
AAFP - Chest Pain in Infants and Children | KeepKidsHealthy.com - Chest Pain | MEDLINEplus - Chest Pain | Virtual Children's Hospital - Chest Pain in Children

Congenital Heart Disease
AHA - Congenital Cardiovascular Disease | Children's Health Information Network - Congenital Heart Disease Information | March of Dimes - Congenital Heart Defects | MEDLINEplus - Congenital Heart Disease | MyHeartDoctor - Congenital Heart Disease | Southern Illinois University School of Medicine - Patient Education Materials | Texas Heart Institute - Congenital Heart Disease | Virtual Children's Hospital - Congenital Heart Disease

Heart Murmurs - Arrhythmias
AAP - Arrhythmias in Children | AHA - Arrhythmias | AHA - What Causes Heart Murmurs | KidsHealth.org - Heart Murmurs and Your Child | NHLBI - Arrhythmia | Rush Children's Heart Center - Abnormal Heart Rhythm (Arrythmias or Dysrhythmias) | Texas Heart Institute - Arrhythmia | Virtual Children's Hospital - Heart Murmurs and Arrhythmias

High Blood Pressure / Hypertension
AAP - High Blood Pressure in Children | AHA - High Blood Pressure in Children | CCHMC - The Risks of High Blood Pressure | MyHeartDoctor - Hypertension | Virtual Children's Hospital - High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

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Infectious Disease / Infections

AAP - Fifth Disease | AAP - Health Problems at School | Center for Disease Control | CDC - Childhood Diseases | CDC - Coxsackievirus A16 (Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease) | CDC - Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease) | CDC - Haemophilus influenza B (HIB) | CDC - Infectious Mononucleosis in the Child Care Setting | CDC - Ringworm in the Child Care Setting | CDC - Viral Hepatitis | CHOP - Tuberculosis | Iowa Health Book - Infectious Disease | KidsHealth.org - Infections | KidsHealth.org - Staphylococcus aureus | MayoClinic - School Borne Illnesses | MEDLINEplus - Fifth Disease | MEDLINEplus - Hepatitis A | MEDLINEplus - Hepatitis B | Merck Manual Home Edition - Infections | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Common Childhood Diseases | New York State Department of Health | Travel.com - Travel Health Guide (PDF) | University of Minnesota - General Medical Information for International Adoptees | Virtual Children's Hospital - Fifth Disease | Virtual Children's Hospital - TB (Tuberculosis)

Biological and Chemical Threats
AAP - Anthrax and Smallpox | AAP - Chemical-Biological Terrorism and Its Impact on Children | AAP - Children and Disasters | CDC - Anthrax | CDC - Facts about Tularemia | CDC - Frequently Asked Questions about Tularemia | CDC - Smallpox | CDC - Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases - Anthrax | Dermatology Online Atlas - Anthrax Images | Medem - Anthrax | MedlinePlus - Anthrax | MedlinePlus - Anthrax | MedlinePlus - Anthrax - Cutaneous | MedlinePlus - Anthrax - Inhalation | MedlinePlus - Biological and Chemical Weapons | MedlinePlus - Botulism | MedlinePlus - Hemorrhagic Fevers | MedlinePlus - Plague | MedlinePlus - Smallpox | MedlinePlus - Smallpox | Virtual Naval Hospital - Biological and Chemical Threats

Blood Infection
MEDLINEplus - Sepsis | Intelihealth - Sepsis | Merck Manual Home Edition - Bacteremia and Septic Shock

Bronchiolitis and Bronchitis
AAFP - Bronchiolitis and Your Child | AAP - Bronchiolitis | CHOP - Bronchiolitis | KidsHealth.org - Bronchiolitis | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds) and Acute Bronchitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Bronchiolitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Bronchitis

Cat-Scratch Disease
AAFP - Cat-Scratch Disease | ASTDHPPHE - Cat-Scratch Disease | HON - Catscratch | KidsHealth.org - Cat-Scratch Disease

Chickenpox / Varicella
Caring for Kids - Chickenpox | CDC - Chicken Pox | CHOP - Chicken Pox | HON - Chickenpox | KidsHealth.org - Chicken Pox | MEDLINEplus - Chickenpox | Merck Manual Home Edition - Chicken Pox | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Use of the Chicken Pox Vaccine | Virtual Children's Hospital - Chicken Pox

Colds / Upper Respiratory Tract Infection / URI
AAP - Common Colds and Young Children | Caring for Kids - Common Cold | CHOP - Colds | Columbia University - Infections of the Upper Respiratory Tract | HON - Common Cold | Intelihealth - Colds | JAMA - Coping with the Coughing, Aching, Sniffling of a Cold | MayoClinic - Colds, Coughs and Runny Noses | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds) and Acute Bronchitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Colds (Upper Respiratory Tract Infections)

Croup / Laryngotracheitis
AAP - Croup | CHOP - Croup | HON - Croup | KidsHealth.org - Croup | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Children and Croup | Virtual Children's Hospital - Croup

Flu / Influenza
CHOP - Influenza | KidsHealth.org - Influenza (Flu) | Virtual Children's Hospital - Flu (Influenza)

AAP - Herpes Simplex | Iowa Health Book - Cold Sores | KidsHealth - Herpes Simplex | MedicineNet - Shingles (Herpes Zoster) | Virtual Children's Hospital - Herpes Stomatitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Oral Herpes / Cold Sores

Lice - Scabies
AAP - Head Lice | AMA - Scabies | Caring for Kids - Head Lice | Caring for Kids - Scabies | CDC - Lice Infections | CDC - Head Lice Infestation | CHOP - Head Lice | CHOP - Scabies | KidsHealth.org - Head Lice | KidsHealth.org - Scabies | MEDLINEplus - Head Lice | Virtual Children's Hospital - Head Lice | Virtual Children's Hospital - Scabies (Itch Mite Infestation)

Caring for Kids - Viral Meningitis | CDC - Bacterial Meningitis | CDC - Meningococcal Disease | CDC - Viral (Aseptic) Meningitis | JAMA - Meningitis in Children | KidsHealth.org - Meningitis | MayoClinic - Meningitis | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Meningitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Bacterial Meningitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Viral Meningitis

AAFP - Getting Through Mononucleosis | CDC - Infectious Mononucleosis | CDC - Mononucleosis | KidsHealth.org - Infectious Mononucleosis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Mononucleosis

AAP - Pneumonia | Columbia University - Lung Infections | KidsHealth.org - Pneumonia | MayoClinic - Pneumonia | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Pneumonia | Virtual Children's Hospital - Pneumonia

Respiratory Syncytial Virus / RSV
American Lung Association - Respiratory Syncytial Virus | CDC - Respiratory Syncytial Virus | CDC - Respiratory Syncytial Virus
CDC - RSV | Intelihealth - Respiratory Syncytial Virus | KidsHealth.org - Respiratory Syncytial Virus | MayoClinic - RSV | Virtual Children's Hospital - RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

Rheumatic Fever
HON - Rheumatic Fever | PDR Guide to Medical Care - Rheumatic Fever

CDC - Rotavirus | CDC - Rotavirus | KidsGrowth.com - Rotavirus Vaccine Suspended in U.S. | KidsHealth - Rotavirus

KidsHealth.org - Sinusitis | MayoClinic - Sinusitis (The Acute Variety) | MayoClinic - Sinusitis (The Chronic Kind) | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Sinusitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Sinusitis

Throat Infections
AAP - Sore Throats | AAP - Treating Tonsils and Adenoids | Caring for Kids - Strep Throat | CHOP - Sore Throat | CHOP - Strep Throat | CHOP - Swollen Glands | HON - Strep throat | KidsHealth.org - Group A Streptococci Infections | KidsHealth.org - Tonsillitis | KidsHealth.org - Tonsils and Tonsillectomies | MedlinePlus - Tonsils/Tonsillectomy | Sinus Care Center - Tonsils & Adenoids | Sinus Care Center - Sore Throats: Causes and Cures | Virtual Children's Hospital - Strep Throat / Tonsillitis

Viral Syndrome
PDR Guide to Medical Care - Viral Infections in Children

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Kidneys and Urinary System

Digital Urology Journal | Digital Urology Journal Patient Information | MEDLINEplus - Urethritis | NIDDK - Urinary Incontinence in Children | NIH - Urinary Incontinence in Children

Bedwetting / Enuresis
AACAP - Bedwetting | AAFP - Enuresis (Bedwetting) | AAP - Bedwetting | Caring for Kids - Bedwetting (Enuresis) | Children's Medical Office of North Andover - Bedwetting | CHOP - Enuresis | KidsHealth.org - What Parents Need to Know About Bedwetting | MayoClinic - Bedwetting in a 5-year-old | MayoClinic - Daytime Wetting | MEDLINEPlus - Toilet training and Bedwetting | National Enuresis Society | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Bedwetting | Texas Pediatric Surgical Associates - Nocturnal Enuresis (Bedwetting) | Virtual Children's Hospital - Bedwetting | Virtual Children's Hospital - Daytime Wetting

Bladder Infection / Urinary Tract Infection / UTI including Cystitis and Dysuria
AAP - Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections | AAP - Urinary Tract Infections | CHOP - Urinary Tract Infection | CHOP- Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) | Digital Urology Journal - Urinary Tract Infection | KidsHealth.org - Urinary Tract Infections | NIDDK - Urinary Tract Infections in Children | Seattle Children's - Urinary Tract Infections | AAP - Treating Urinary Tract Infections | University of Chicago Children's Hospital - Urinary Tract Infections | Virtual Children's Hospital - Urinary Tract Infections

Undescended Testes
AAP - Undescended Testicles (Cryptorchidism) | CHOP - Undescended Testes | MEDLINEplus - Undescended Testicle | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Foreskin Contraction | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Testicular Torsion | Texas Pediatric Surgical Associates - Undescended Testis or Testicle | The New Children's Hospital - Undescended Testes | University of Michigan Medical Center - Abnormal Testicular Descent | Virtual Children's Hospital - Undescended Testes | Virtual Children's Hospital: Common Questions - Undescended Testes

Vesicoureteral Reflux / Backward Flow of Urine
CCHMC - Vesicoureteral Reflux | CHOP - Vesicoureteral Reflux | Digital Urology Journal - Vesicoureteral Reflux | NIH - Vesicoureteral Reflux | Texas Pediatric Surgical Associates - Vesicoureteral Reflux | University of Chicago Children's Hospital - Vesicoureteral Reflux | University of Michigan Medical Center - Vesicoureteral Reflux | Virtual Children's Hospital - VUR | Virtual Children's Hospital - VUR

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Lungs and Breathing

NOAH - Respiratory Disorders

Apnea / Stopping to Breath
Bayor College of Medicine - Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea | CHOP - Apnea of Prematurity | National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute - Facts about Sleep Apnea | The Sleep Well - Childhood Sleep Apnea | St. Joseph's University - Sleep Apnea | University of Virginia - Obstructive Sleep Apnea | Virtual Children's Hospital - Childhoold Sleep Apnea

 | American Lung Association : About Asthma | Canadian Lung Association - Asthma Resource Center for Patients | MEDLINEPlus - Asthma in Children | Iowa Health Book - Managing Asthma for Patients and Families | KidsHealth.org - Asthma Basics | KidsHealth.org - Managing Asthma | Merck Manual Home Edition - Asthma | National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) - Asthma and Physical Activity in School | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Identifying Triggers of Asthma | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Recognizing Signs and Symptoms | Virtual Children's Hospital - Asthma

AAFP - Self-Care Flowchart - Cough | American Family Physician - Chronic Cough: Causes and Cures | HON - Whooping Cough (Pertussis) | MayoClinic - Whooping Cough | MedicineNet - Chronic Cough | MEDLINEplus - Cough | MEDLINEplus - Cough | MEDLINEplus - Whooping Cough | Virtual Children's Hospital - Cough

Respiratory Distress
AAFP - Shortness of Breath in Child or Infant | Johns Hopkins - Respiratory Distress Syndrome

KeepKidsHealthy.com - Wheezing | MayoClinic - What is a Wheeze? | MEDLINEplus - Wheezing | Sleeptight - Wheezing

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Mental Health and Behavior / Psychology / Psychiatry

AACAP - Facts for Families | AACAP - Psychiatric Medication for Children | AAFP - What Parents Can Do To Change Their Child's Behavior | AAP - Common Childhood Habits | AAP - A Death in the Family | AAP - Lying | AAP - High Self-Esteem | AAP - How Children Grieve | AAP - If Your Child is Gifted | AAP - Self-Esteem | AAP - Signs of Low Self-Esteem | AAP - Stress Management for College Students | AAP - Thumbs, Fingers, and Pacifiers: How to Help Your Child Stop | AAP - Thumb Sucking and Pacifiers | AAP - When to Seek Professional Help for Your Child's Behavior | Aboutourkids.org - Mental Health Facts | Aboutourkids.org - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Canadian Psychiatric Association - Youth and Mental Illness | Center for Mental Health Services' Knowledge Exchange Network | CHOP- Mental Health | MayoClinic - Weathering Temper Tantrums | MayoClinic - School Avoidance | NIMH - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | NSWHealth - Family Help Kit | National Mental Health Association | National Institute of Mental Health | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Talking to Children About Death | Pediatric Development and Behavior | Pediatric Development and Behavior - The Angry Child | University of Wisconsin - Behavior Problems | Virtual Children's Hospital - Choosing a Therapist | Virtual Children's Hospital - Self-Esteem | Virtual Children's Hospital - Teenagers and Stress

Alcohol Abuse
AACAP - Teens and Alcohol | AAP - Alcohol Use and Abuse: A Pediatric Concern | AAP - Dangers of Alcohol Use | CDC - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome | JAMA - Do You Have a Drinking Problem? | KidsHealth.org - A Parent's Guide to Kids and Alcohol | KidsHealth.org - Talking to Your Kids About Alcohol | MayoClinic - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome | MEDLINEplus - Alcohol and Youth | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism | Virtual Children's Hospital - Alcohol and Kids

AACAP - The Anxious Child | AACAP - Compulsive Disorder in Children and Adolescents | AACAP - Panic Disorder in Children and Adolescents | AAP - Fears and Phobias | AAP - Obsessive Compulsive Disorders | AAP - What Your Child Worries About | Aboutourkids.org - Anxiety Disorders | Aboutourkids.org - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | Aboutourkids.org - Tourette's and Other Tic Disorders | CHOP - Anxiety Disorders | Family Doctor - Obsessive Complusive Disorder | HON - Anxiety Disorders | Internet Mental Health - Generalized Anxiety Disorder | Internet Mental Health - Separation Anxiety Disorder | Iowa Health Book - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder | KidsHealth.org - Childhood Stress | KidsHealth.org - Coping With Anxiety, Fears, and Phobias | Merck Manual Home Edition - Anxiety Disorders | NIMH - Anxiety Disorders | NIMH - Anxiety Disorders Research Fact Sheet | NIMH - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder | | Virtual Children's Hospital - Children and School Anxiety

Attention Deficit Disorder / ADD / ADHD with/without Hyperactivity
AACAP - Children Who Can't Pay Attention | AAP - ADHD: Overview | AAP - ADHD and Teens | AAP - ADHD: Coexisting Conditions | AAP - ADHD: Understanding Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder | Aboutourkids.org - ADHD | AMA - Understanding ADHD | CDC - ADHD | Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD) | HON - Attention Deficit | Internet Mental Health - ADHD | JAMA - ADHD | KidsHealth.org - What is ADHD? | MEDLINEplus - ADHD | Mental Help Net - ADHD | National Attention Deficit Disorder Association | NIMH - ADHD | NIMH - ADHD (This Child Needs Help) | National Mental Health Association - ADHD | Pediatric Psychiatry Pamphlets - ADHD | Primary Care Pediatrics - ADD | Virtual Children's Hospital - Attention Deficit Disorder

AACAP - Asperger's Syndrome | AACAP - The Child with Autism | Aboutourkids.org - Autistic, Asperger's, and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders | CDC - Autism Spectrum Disorders Among Children | HON - Autism | HON - Pervasive Developmental Disorders | JAMA - Autistic Disorder | KidsHealth.org - Autism | MayoClinic - Autism | MEDLINEplus - Autism | Merck Manual Home Edition - Autism | NIMH - Autism | NINDS - Autism | National Mental Health Association - Autism | University of North Carolina - Division TEACCH | Virtual Children's Hospital - Autism

Colorado Parent Information and Resource Center - Biting | KidsHealth - Fighting the Biting | National Network for Child Care - Biting Hurts! | National Parent Information Network - Biters

Cocaine Abuse
AAP - Cocaine | NIDA - Cocaine Abuse and Addiction

Conduct Disorder
AACAP - Conduct Disorders | Aboutourkids.org - Conduct Disorder | Center for Mental Health Services - Conduct Disorder in Children and Adolescents | HON - Conduct Disorder | Internet Mental Health - Conduct Disorders | National Mental Health Association - Conduct Disorder | New York Online Access to Health - Conduct Disorder | Pediatric Psychiatry Pamphlets - Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder

Crying and Colic
AAP - Colic | AAP - Crying | Caring for Kids - Colic and Crying | CCHMC - When Your Baby Cries | Children's Medical Office of North Andover | CHOP - Colic | Dr. Bob - Colic: How Do I Know? | KidsHealth.org - Colic and a Baby's Temperament | University of Missouri Health Sciences Center - Colic - A Survivor's Guide | Virtual Children's Hospital - Crying and Colic | Virtual Hospital - Crying and Colic | Yale New Haven Children's Hospital- Crying

AACAP - The Depressed Child | Aboutourkids.org - Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depressive Illness) | Aboutourkids.org - Depressive Disorders | Center for Mental Health Services - Major Depression in Children and Adolescents | HON - Bipolar Disorder | HON - Mental Health: Depression | NIMH - Bipolar Disorder | National Mental Health Association - Depression | National Mental Health Association - Bipolar Disorder | Virtual Children's Hospital - Depression | Virtual Children's Hospital - Grief

Divorce and Separation
AACAP - Children and Divorce | AACAP - Stepfamily Problems | AAMFT - Children and Divorce | AAP - Becoming a Stepfamily | AAP - Divorce | AMA - Divorce | Caring for Kids - When Parents Separate | Iowa State University of Extension - Divorce Matters (.PDF) | Iowa State University of Extension - Stepping Stones for Stepfamilies (.PDF) | KidsHealth.org - A Kid's Guide to Divorce | KidsHealth.org - Tips for Divorcing Parents | MayoClinic - Divorce | MEDLINEPlus - Divorce | National Parent Information Network - Helping Children Cope with Divorce | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Talking to Children About Divorce | Virtual Children's Hospital - Divorce: Help Your Children Cope

Eating Disorders - Anorexia and Bulimia
AACAP - Teenagers with Eating Disorders | AAP - Eating Disorders | Aboutourkids.org - Eating Disorders | APA - A Basic Guide to Eating Disorders | APA - A Closer Look at Eating Disorders | APA - Frequently Asked Questions: Eating Disorders (Anorexia and Bulimia) | Center for Mental Health Disorders - Eating Disorders | Children's Hospital Boston - Eating Disorders | CHOP - Anorexia Nervosa | CHOP - Bulimia Nervosa | KidsHealth.org - Eating Disorders | Mental Help Net - Eating Disorders | Merck Manual Home Edition - Eating Disorders | National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) - Information | NIMH - Eating Disorders | New York Online Access to Health - Eating Disorders | Virtual Children's Hospital - Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia

Learning Disability
AACAP - Children With Learning Disabilities | AAP - Types of Learning Disabilities | AAP - Understanding Learning Disabilities | Aboutourkids.org - Learning Disorders | KidsHealth.org - Kids with Dyslexia | MEDLINEplus - Learning Disorders | NIH - Dyslexia Information Sheet | NIMH - Learning Disabilities | National Mental Health Association - Learning Disabilities | Virtual Children's Hospital - Learning Disabilities in Children

Marijuana Abuse
NIDA - Marijuana

Oppositional Defiant Disorder / ODD
Internet Mental Health - Oppositional Defiant Disorder | NOAH - Oppositional Defiant Disorder | PDR Guide to Medical Care - Oppositional Defiant Disorder | Virtual Children's Hospital - Oppositional Defiant Disorder

AACAP - Children's Major Psychiatric Disorders | AACAP - Schizophrenia in Children | Aboutourkids.org - Schizophrenia | EPPIC - Early Diagnosis and Management of Psychosis | HON - Schizophrenia | MEDLINEplus - Psychosis | Merck Manual Home Edition - Personality Disorders | Merck Manual Home Edition - Schizophrenia and Delusional Disorder | National Mental Health Association - Schizophrenia | Virtual Children's Hospital - Psychosis

Smoking / Tobacco
AAP - Environmental Tobacco Smoke: A Hazard to Children | CDC - Facts on Youth Smoking, Health and Performance | Children's Hospital Boston - How to Quit Smoking: A Guide for Teens | Children's Hospital Boston - Information About Smoking: A Guide for Teens | JAMA - Kids Lighting Up | JAMA - Preventing Tobacco Use in Children and Adolescents | KidsHealth.org - Talking to Your Kids About Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco | KidsHealth.org - What to Do if Your Kid Smokes or Chews Tobacco | MedlinePlus - Smoking and Youth | NIDA - Nicotine Addiction | Navy Health Book - Tobacco Can Kill, No Matter How You Use It | Navy Health Book - Your Smoking's a Hazard to Your Children | Virtual Children's Hospital - Smoking and Tobacco

Social Problems
AAP - Helping Your Child with Social Problems | NIMH - Social Phobia | Pediatric Psychiatry Pamphlets - Social Phobia

Substance Abuse
AACAP - Substance Abuse Treatment Questions | AAP - Common Inhalants | AAP - Preventing Inhalant Abuse | AAP - Preventing Substance Abuse | CHOP - Substance Abuse/Chemical Dependence | Connecticut Clearinghouse Pamphlets | Family Doctor - Marijuana | KidsHealth.org - What to Do if Your Kid Is Using Drugs | MayoClinic - Inhalant Abuse | NIDA - Common Drugs of Abuse Information Index | National Institute on Drug Abuse | Navy Health Book - Aerosol Abuse Can Take Your Breath Away | Navy Health Book - If You Drink Alcohol, Do It In Moderation | Navy Health Book - What Parents Need to Know About "Huffing" | Virtual Children's Hospital - Substance Abuse

AACAP - Teen Suicide | AAP - Helping Suicidal Teens | AAP - Understanding Teen Suicide | America's Continuing Education Network - Preventing Adolescent Suicide | American Foundation for Suicide Prevention | HON - Suicidal Behavior | JAMA - Adolescent Suicide | KidsHealth.org - Understanding and Preventing Teen Suicide | Merck Manual Home Edition - Suicidal Behavior | Scout Association of Australia - Youth Suicide Prevention | Virtual Naval Hospital - Depression and Suicide

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AAP - Newborn Rashes and Birthmarks | AAP - Premature Babies: Common Questions | AAP - Premature Birth | AMA - When Your Baby Is Born With A Health Problem | CCHMC - Bathing Your Baby | CCHMC - Giving Liquid Medicine to Infants | CHOP - High-Risk Newborn | CHOP- Normal Newborn | JAMA - Caring for A Newborn Baby | MayoClinic - Premature Babies | MEDLINEplus - Infant and Newborn Care | MedlinePlus - Premature Babies | University of Wisconsin - Parents of Preemies | Virtual Children's Hospital - Interacting with Your Newborn

Baby's Schedule
Iowa Health Book - First Visit | ParentsPlace - Changing Baby's Sleep Schedule | ParentsPlace - Hunger in the Middle of the Night | ParentsPlace - Newborn Care

AAP - Circumcision | AAP - Circumcision Information for Parents | AAP - Circumcision: Frequently Asked Questions | ACOG - Newborn Circumcision | CHOP - Circumcision | Circumcision Information and Resource Pages | MEDLINEplus - Circumcision | Virtual Children's Hospital - Circumcision

AAP - Jaundice | Caring for Kids - Jaundice in Newborns | CDC - Kernicterus | KidsHealth.org - Jaundice in Healthy Newborns | MayoClinic - Jaundice in Newborns | Virtual Children's Hospital - Jaundice

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome / SIDS
Caring for Kids - Back to Sleep: Reducing the Risk of SIDS | JAMA - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome | KidsHealth.org - SIDS, Sudden and Silent | MEDLINEplus - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome | SIDS Network - Table of Contents | Virtual Children's Hospital - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

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Caring for Kids - Safety Tips for Parents | CCHMC - Safety Tips for Parents of Infants | CDC - Injuries | CDC - Injuries in Adolescents | CDC -Injuries in Children  | CPSC - 12 Devices to Protect Your Children | Children's Safety Network | Children's Safety Network - Safety Resources | CHOP - Firearms | CHOP - Firearms (Injury Prevention) | CHOP - Home Safety | Consumer Product Safety Commission - Publications | EPA - Office of Children's Health Protection | The I'm Safe Network (Backyard Books) | Iowa State University Extension - Safety Publications (.PDF) | KidsHealth.org - Baby Product Safety | KidsHealth.org - Baby Proofing your Home | KidsHealth.org - Environmental Health Issues | KidsHealth.org - Preventing Household Accidents | KidsHealth.org - Selecting Safe Pets | MayoClinic - Babysitter Checklist | MayoClinic - Firework Safety | MayoClinic - Keeping Your Child Out of the ER | MEDLINEplus - Child Safety | MEDLINEPlus - Farm Safety | MEDLINEPlus - Sports Safety | National Safe Kids Campaign | Virtual Children's Hospital - Stranger Safety | Virtual Children's Hospital - Infant Safety Tips

Consumer Product Safety Commission - Recalls and Other Press Releases | SafetyAlerts.com - Recent News and Alerts

AAP - Bicycle and Tricycle Safety | AAP - Bicycle Helmets | Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute | CDC - Bicycle Helmets | CHOP - Bikes and Skates | Consumer Product Safety Commission - Bicycle Fact Sheet | Federal Highway Administration - Pedestrian & Safety Research Page | NHTSA - Bicycle Helmet Use Laws

Car Seats / Car Safety
AAP - Car Safety Seats: Basic Guidelines | AAP - Car Safety Seats: Basics for Correct Usage | AAP - Car Safety Seats: Frequently Asked Questions | AAP - Choosing Car Seats for Children with Special Needs | AAP - Common Questions About Car Seats | AAP - Correct Car Seat Use | CHOP - Child Passenger Safety | CHOP - Motor Vehicle Safety | Iowa Health Book - Choosing Your Baby's Car Seat | JAMA - Teenaged Drivers | JAMA - Vehicle Safety and Children | SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A - Safe Ride | UC Davis - Car Seat Safety | Virtual Children's Hospital - Car Seats / Child Safety Seats

Columbia University Complete Home Medical Guide | State Medical Society of Wisconsin - Prevention of Choking | Virtual Children's Hospital - Airway Obstruction

CHOP - Falls | CHOP - Falls (Emergencies) | CHOP - Falls (Injury Prevention)

CHOP - Fire Safety | CHOP - Fire Safety and Burns | Consumer Product Safety Commission - Fire and Burn Prevention | KidsHealth.org - Fire Safety | National Fire Prevention Association | United State Fire Administration

Pedestrian Injuries
Alberta Motor Association - Traffic Safety | CHOP - Pedestrian Safety | Federal Highway Administration - Pedestrian & Safety Research Page | JAMA - Pedestrian Injury | National Center for Injury Prevention and Control - Pedestrian Deaths and Injuries Fact Sheet | Virtual Children's Hospital - Pedestrian Safety

AAP - Playground Safety | CHOP - Playground Safety | Consumer Public Safety Commission - Tips for Public Playground Safety | MayoClinic - Prevent Playground Injuries | The National Program for Playground Safety

AAP - Water Safety | CHOP - Water Safety | CHOP - Water Safety (Injury Prevention) | Consumer Public Safety Commission - Backyard Pool: Always Supervise Children | JAMA - Practicing Water Safety | KidsHealth.org - Staying Safe While in the Water

AAP - Toy Safety: How Children are Injured | CHOP - Toy Safety | CHOP - Toy Safety (Preventing Injuries) | Consumer Product Safety Commission - Toy Safety | Virtual Children's Hospital - Toy Safety

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Skin, Hair and Nails

AAD - Sun Protection For Children | AAP - Common Skin Conditions | AAP - Newborn Rashes and Birthmarks | AAP - Protecting Your Child from the Sun | CHOP - Dermatology: Skin Diseases and Conditions | CHOP - Sun Protection | MayoClinic - Baby Rashes | MayoClinic - Children's Skin During the Winter | MayoClinic - Scabies | Merck Manual Home Edition - Itching | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Hair Problems (Discuss) | Virtual Children's Hospital - Sun Protection

AAD - Acne | AAP - Treating Acne | AAP - What Causes Acne | FDA - Acne Agony | KidsHealth.org - Why Do I Get Acne? | MedicineNet - Acne | NIAMS - Questions and Answers About Acne | Virtual Children's Hospital - Acne

Contact Dermatitis / Skin Irritation
AAD - Allergic Contact Dermatitis | AAD - Poison Ivy | AAP - Cradle Cap | CHOP - Poison Ivy

Diaper Dermatitis / Diaper Rash
AAP - What Causes Diaper Rash? | Caring for Kids - Diaper Rash and Thrush | CCHMC - Diaper Rash | CHOP - Diaper Rash | MayoClinic - Diaper Rash | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Nappy Rash (Diaper Rash) |

Eczema / Atopic Dermatitis
AAD - Eczema/Atopic Dermatitis | AAFP - Eczema | AAP - Eczema and Dermatitis | CHOP - Eczema | Iowa Health Book - Eczema | Navy Health Book - The Unbearable Itch of Eczema | NIAMS - Atopic Dermatitis | National Eczema Association for Science and Education - Atopic Dermatitis in Children | National Jewish Medical and Research Center - Eczema | Primary Care Pediatrics | Virtual Children's Hospital - Eczema

Fungal Infection
AAD - Athlete's Foot | AAFP - Tinea Infections: Athlete's Foot, Jock Itch and Ringworm | Caring for Kids - Ringworm | CHOP - Candidiasis (Thrush) | CHOP - Ringworm | Intelihealth - Thrush | KidsHealth.org - Tinea (Ringworm of the Scalp and the Body, Jock Itch, Athlete's Foot) | Merck Manual Home Edition - Fungal Skin Infections | University of Alabama at Birmingham - Fungal Infections of the Skin | Virtual Children's Hospital - Ringworm (Tinea)

Hair Disorders
AAD - Hair Loss | AAFP - Excess Hair | AAFP - Hair Loss and Its Causes | MEDLINEplus - Furuncle (Hair Follicle Infection) | Merck Manual Home Edition - Hair Disorders

AAD - Hives | AAP - Hives and Poison Ivy | Intelihealth - Hives and Children | MedicineNet - Hives (Urticaria) & Angioedema

Impetigo Skin Infection
AAP - Impetigo | Caring for Kids - Impetigo | CHOP - Impetigo | HON - Impetigo | KidsHealth.org - Impetigo | MayoClinic - Impetigo | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Impetigo | Virtual Children's Hospital - Impetigo

Nail Disorders
AAD - Nail Health | MEDLINEplus - Nail Abnormalities | ParentsPlace - Ingrown Toenails

Skin Infection - Cellulitis and Folliculitis
AMA - Cellulitis | HON - Cellulitis | KidsHealth.org - Cellulitis | MayoClinic - Cellulitis | Merck Manual Home Edition - Cellulitis

Viral Rashes
MayoClinic - Roseola| Caring for Kids - Fifth Disease | Caring for Kids - Roseola | HON - Fifth Disease | KidsHealth.org - Fifth Disease (Erythema Infectiosum) | Merck Manual Home Edition - Viral Skin Infections | University of Alabama at Birmingham - Viral Infections of the Skin | Virtual Children's Hospital - Roseola

Warts - Molluscum Contagiosum
AAD - Warts | AAFP - What to do About Warts | KidsHealth.org - Warts | NetDoctor.Co.UK - Warts and Verrucas | Virtual Children's Hospital - Warts

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Surgery (including Pathology and Subspecialties not otherwise listed)

Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center - Topics in Pediatric Surgery | Iowa Health Book - Pediatric Surgery | The University of Chicago Children's Hospital - Health Care Information

AAP - Appendicitis | American College of Surgeons - Appendectomy | JAMA - Detecting Appendicitis in Your Children | KidsHealth.org - Appendicitis | NIDDK - Appendicitis | Texas Pediatric Surgery Associates - Appendicitis | Virtual Children's Hospital - Appendicitis

Hernia - Hydrocoeles / Fluid in Scrotum
AAP - Inguinal Hernia | CHOP - Hydrocele | MEDLINEplus - Diaghragmatic Hernia | MEDLINEplus - Femoral Hernia | MEDLINEplus - Inguinal Hernia | MEDLINEplus - Umbilical Hernia | Texas Pediatric Surgery Associates - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia | Texas Pediatric Surgical Associates - Inguinal Hernia | Texas Pediatric Surgical Associates - Umbilical Hernia | University of Chicago Children's Hospital - Inguinal Hernia & Hydrocele Repair | University of Chicago Children's Hospital - Umbilical Hernia | Virtual Children's Hospital - Hernias | Virtual Children's Hospital: Common Questions - Hydrocele | Virtual Children's Hospital - Hydrocoeles and Hernias

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Children's Hospital Boston | Children's Hospital of Iowa | Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati | Duke University | Northside Alpharetta Medical Campus | Radiology Resource |